You must have gotten the storm we had yesterday. If I never see a snowflake again, it'll be waaaay too soon. We got about 18" inches by early afternoon. It took every guy in the neighborhood, with tractors, four-wheelers with blades, snow blowers, and snow shovels and about 3 hours to dig the neighborhood out. And that was just driveway, mail boxes, fire hydrants, and the odd bit of sidewalk here and there.
I looked in my back yard today. The snow is up over the top of the slide on the kids' swingset. The only bright spot is that even the mythical Chuck Elias could use the trapeze, as long as he wore snowshoes (otherwise we'd lose him entirely until the spring thaw).
I'm sorry to hear that you're moving farther away. I was hoping maybe to run into you at a tournament or camp somewhere. And I feel bad for you that you lost your last game in the storm. But hey, I've got a small school BV here on Friday that's so far away from the rest of basketball civilization that you could sneak over to work some three man with me and my partner and get yourself one last fix, and nobody who would care would ever find out.
Good luck on the move.