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Old Mon Feb 04, 2008, 09:19am
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Originally Posted by ca_rumperee
Some environments I've been in (rec league mostly) provide a very limited amount of space for inbound throwers to stand.

Say I have an inbound play on a sideline in front of opposing team bench.
Player has maybe 18 inches of space between players feet and the sideline.

I have defender stand back to allow room.

Can the thrower step onto the court legally to make the throw in?
Why do I not know the answer to this?
I've been in auxilary gyms that makes a match box look spacious where it was impossible not to have toes over the line. You back the defender up and tell them no closer and tell the kid inbounding "don't worry about your feet. You do the best you can with you have to work with.
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