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Old Sun Feb 03, 2008, 03:25pm
ManInBlue ManInBlue is offline
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Posts: 469
Originally Posted by Interested Ump
There was a time when people who were employed at Wal-Mart were the best among their community. In small towns, the manager of Wal-Mart was one of the most important citizens there.
There was I time when you could buy a new car for $2000 and fill it up with gas for $2.00. This ain't a fairy tale. He's not talking about "once upon a time."

You used to be able to return things to Walmart, no questions asked. Now you get the third degree and I know of several times when they refused the return (on a NEW product WITH a receipt) and they hire anyone who can run a register. Not all Walmart employees are bad people. But to say they all are the pillar of the community is not saying much for the community.

This was not meant to insult Walmart employees. He could have said McDonald's, Burger King, K-Mart...The point is that you don't have to give a damn about WalMart to work there. That's why you need the next sentence in the quote - He said basically -WalMart employees don't have to care about Walmart but umpires should care about baseball.

What's so freaking hard about that?

I support that people who umpire, including many of those on the forum who claim otherwise, do so because the money is necessary to them.
There is a difference in doing it FOR the money and doing it because you love the game, etc. Getting paid is a bonus. Yes, the money helps. And yes I'll do a $50 game before I do a $35 game. But I'm not on the field for the money. I'm on the field because I want to be on the field and b/c I love baseball. The money being "necessary" and officiating for the money are too different concepts.

Not that I expect you to grasp the difference.

If you just need the money, you can go work at WalMart part time. Most of us CHOOSE to umpire baseball for reasons OTHER THAN the money.

Last edited by ManInBlue; Sun Feb 03, 2008 at 03:29pm.
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