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Old Wed May 24, 2000, 08:48am
Todd VandenAkker Todd VandenAkker is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2000
Posts: 378

Originally posted by Impar Tiality:
I knew better than to leave any information about myself. Sad but true that attacking my credintials is more important than actually considering my post. GROW UP.

As Mark said, your post was ridiculous. And knowing at least something of your credentials (or lack thereof) helps us decide if your statements WARRANT any credibility and consideration. If you know nothing about officiating from first-hand experience, why should we deem your remarks anything but whining or the ramblings of a confused spectator who reacts to what he THINKS is going on rather than an actual UNDERSTANDING of what is going on? "Grow up?" Ignorance is bliss for those choosing to make wild statements under the cover of total anonymity.
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