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Old Tue Jun 11, 2002, 11:07am
Jerry Jerry is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 286
It's About the Money, Isn't It?

Under normal circumstances, we use a 2-hour time limit for notifying umpires regarding cancelled games. But there are extenuating circumstances when that advance notice can't be given. Weather and field conditions, for example. If the field deteriorates to an unplayable condition, or if lighting erupts just prior to game time . . . obviously there's no way to notify the officials, or the teams for that matter. If the decision was made to cancel the game at 1-1/2 hours before the contest and there's no way to contact the official, the umpire is out of luck in my opinion.

Best efforts were made but the league has no control over Acts of God. Let's assume for the moment you didn't "pre-cancel" that game . . . and blue shows up. If it begins lightning and storming before a pitch is thrown . . . and the game needs to be rescheduled, he wouldn't get paid then either. In this case, since he told you previously it takes him a half hour to get to the site and you tried calling him at his phone number of record before he would have left home anyhow, I wouldn't give him squat.

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