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Old Mon Jun 10, 2002, 03:30pm
stripes stripes is offline
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Location: St. George, UT
Posts: 777
Re: Where is that opportunity?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
Doesn't the opportunity have more to do with Women's Basketball. I was at a place where a D1 assignor was giving a speech and told the only women official in the room, "You might be a good official, but I would never hire you." And he called her out without her even showing any interest in doing his conference.

I see that opportunity for Women in Women's basketball, not necessarily Men's Basketball. We have had some first this year with Women breaking into the Men's Tournament, but they still have a long way to go at this point in that area.


Absolutely. I thought it would be understood that the great opportunities that exist for females is primarily in women's basketball. That is not to say that women cannot or should not work men's basketball, but the biggest opportunities are not there.
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