I have not heard one person say the Kings did not blow game 7. The main point of Nader, and several national media members (in addition to thousands of kings fans) was that game 6 stunk. The number of missed calls or bad calls seemed to favor one team. One announcer I heard said that if adelman was smart he would have pulled his players in game 6, because it looked like there was no way they were going to be able to win. I think the Kings blew game 7. I also think they won game six. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a nba player after losing a game like game 6. But you are right, they are paid alot of money to win. Game 7 was the best officiated game of the series.
Nader's point is that officials can affect the outcome of the game. (I'll post the link to a story of an NBA official who did fix several games). The only review is within the NBA and it is not shared outside the NBA office. The NBA made alot of money because there was a game 7. If we can announce the fines against players, and coaches... then why cannot they announce the fines against officials?
Do I think the officials were bribed in game 6. No. Do I think the calls favored LA to an extent that it appeared biased? Yes. Did the kings lose game 7, yes.
In the 1951 scandals, referee Sol Levy, an accomplice of former LIU player Eddie Gard, was suspended for arranging the outcome on "fixing" six NBA games in 1950. There was no provision in the revised New York State Law of 1945 for referees. This was changed in 1951.
Rest of story: