Thread: A-11 Offense ??
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Old Mon Jan 28, 2008, 05:53pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike L
I would submit there are plenty of problems managing this type of game.
And yet it was that way for decades after the forward pass was legalized, with fewer officials on the field than now.

Consider rugby, where there's just the referee keeping track of who's onside following a kick. And unlike Canadian football since 1970, in rugby offside players can still be put onside by the kicker or (in RU) a teammate who was onside at the time the ball was kicked.

Just because you've had it relatively easy since before you started officiating doesn't mean it'll always be that easy. You may have to study some old mechanics on how they kept track of eligible receivers without their having to wear "eligible" numbers.

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