Thread: A-11 Offense ??
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Old Mon Jan 28, 2008, 05:44pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob M.
Will the Fed deal with this for the 2009 season? Maybe...who knows. If so, the NCAA rule may be the way to go.
I don't think so. Read it and tell me when it's not obvious a kick (any type of kick -- could be a drop kick) may be forthcoming?

If they want to do something like that, they'll have to limit it to 4th down and tries, rather than a judgement of when a kick may (rather than "will") occur. And if a team wants to kick on another down, they just won't have the exception to take advantage of.

Or they can go back to the pullover jerseys.

Or they can scrap the numbering requirement and go back to the way it was for decades. Or have the ends raise a hand to declare themselves eligible, as is done one version of 8-a-side touch football where there's only one end eligible to receive forward passes.

Or just scrap the exception and not even allow pullover jerseys.

Or report eligible as in the NFL and some minor leagues.

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