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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 28, 2008, 02:50pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteHat Ref
There is a post on the basketball board about famous players that guys have officated for. I wanted to start this post for baseball. Who are some famous players you have umpired. For me I have umpired games for Dave Otto, now a commentator for the Cubs, who by the way was an awsome left handed pitcher who threw in the 90's in high school, Todd Huntley, whose dad always was behind the backstop during his games bothering the umpires, Dan Wilson now a catcher for Seattle, and Josh Paul who was a catcher for the White Sox.
You must obviously live in the Chicago area as Dave Otto was a product of Elk Grove High School. Since you covered Elk Grove, you probably also did games at Forest View where my brother was a pitcher. Otto and he were 1 and 2 in strikeouts in the Mid Suburban League in I believe 1981.
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