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Old Mon Jan 28, 2008, 12:50pm
Bearfanmike20 Bearfanmike20 is offline
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Location: Lake County, IL
Posts: 343
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
We had a mid-season ref meeting of our local kids ref league last night. One comment was how it was really cold in one of the gyms. One of the guys said he spoke with the school custodian who told him the temperatures were controlled at the School District office and there was nothing he could do about it.

Another ref jumped up and said, "You mean there's a job where all you do is be in charge of some thermostats? Man, I want that job."

I replied, "It's not as cushy as it sounds. It's only a temp job."

Only one guy laughed. I must be losing my touch.

If it makes you feel better I almost choked on my lunch from that one.
I have heard more resumes in the last 3 months then in the first 27 years I've been on this planet.

Coach.. I dont care if you coached in the ncaa.. this is a 7th grade girls traveling team.
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