Sat Jun 08, 2002, 06:55am
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by SC_Cindy
Brandda...Trust me, he has been taught to slide in those situations. He made a mistake. You asked where were his coaches...they were yelling right along with the other 80 or so people. (Who btw were all yelling different things )
Thank you for your comments.
Buckeye...That's exactly what most people were saying last night and this morning. (The phone has been ringing constantly around here) He definetly should have been called out. No argument there. He was trying to put the brakes on. It was just one of those bang bang situations. Ejected? I'm his mother and we as coaches all hate dealing with moms. It was the home umpire's call I guess. I just wish he would have done it differently. I'm left picking up the pieces. I guess that's what we moms are for!
Kyle...Interesting points. The ball, the catcher and the runner pretty much all arrived at the same moment. I'm certain he should have been called out. You're right in that his partner should not have told the stands it was a bad call and the player should not have been ejected. But I think he was totally shocked by the homeplate umpires actions. It did not help that Holden was pitching an incredible game before ejection. (You can imagine the other teams reaction!)
What did he learn...frankly it was a rough night around our house. He was pretty upset with himself and wondering why the umpire ejected him so forcefully. He learned a valuable lesson. TY for your helpful comments.
Was the ball waiting for Holden (between the catcher and Holden) when he got to the plate?
Doesn't sound like it.
Was Holden's intent to crash the Catcher?
Doesn't sound like it.
Sounds to me like Holden was out, not ejected, and there was only an incidental wreck.