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Old Sat Jan 26, 2008, 12:13pm
CoachP CoachP is offline
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Originally Posted by RCBSports
Has anyone heard of this. I was going around though my dads old tapes of himself refereeing and I came across this call he made. It's called 'Requesting a Lineup'.

Basically the coach asks for a request. ONLY if there are 4 or 5 subs entering the game from the same team. Basically they are there lineup at half court and they are able to matchup.

Anyone heard of this? Any reference I can look up?

I've done it once. Prolly 3-4 years ago. Throw in for B. I emptied my bench, assigned them to their (wo)man. B calls TO. Empties his bench, so I asked for a lineup.... not an official looking one at the jump circle, just for some time before the throw in for my subs to get reorganized.
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