Thread: Goal Tending
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Old Fri Jan 25, 2008, 10:57pm
Gimlet25id Gimlet25id is offline
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Originally Posted by scotties7125
I dont have a case book so i thouhgt i ask you guys. Watching a jv game and A1 made an attempt missed completly and B1 goes up for the rebound hitting the net. The refs called this goaltending im jsut curious as to if this is or not.
If I understand your play, A1 shoots misses badly, B1 goes up for the rebound hitting the net on the way up.

If no part of the ball is on the rim or the imaginary cylinder above the rim which has the ring as its base then this is nothing and even if it was it would never be goal-tending.

If the ball was on the rim or in the imaginary cylinder and B1 hits the net, the call would be basket interference.
It is what it is!!
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