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Old Fri Jun 07, 2002, 02:10pm
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Re: NBA Frustration

Originally posted by not-an-expert

2) Shaq's offense. His offensive fouls are so numerous that officials can't possible call every one without removing Shaq from the game. In fact, he often gets the call on his own steamroll (see Mutumbo). This forces players to foul him hard. Then we hear... poor Shaq, everyone's beating on him. What other choice?
Sorry friend, the hack-a-shaq started a while ago when
smart coaches noticed shaq was lucky to do 50% at the line.
The guy's big, he's strong, he's athletic. You simply
can't penalize him for this.

3) Most important... end of game offense. Why were 18 of the Lakers last 20 points scored from the line? Because the offense is specifically tailored (a la MJ) to draw calls at the end of the game. Need evidence? Watch Kobe's post moves... or lack thereof. He always pulls them out at the end of the game and they're solely intended to get him to the line.
Sigh. "Drawing fouls" is part of the game. Do you suggest
we have a new rule limiting the number of fouls that can be
called in the 4 qtr?
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