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Old Fri Jun 07, 2002, 12:42pm
Brian Watson Brian Watson is offline
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Originally posted by Kelvin green

You also state that an official cant direct a player to remove jewelry. I suppose that perspective comes from a liability standpoint but I'd be hardpressed to find why it would be wrong for an official to tell a player "Go take the jewelry out if you want to play." If the player argues then she goes out and we tell the coach.

You're right. For liability sake you should tell them only that they cannot play with jewelry on. It is up to them and their coach how to recitfy that situation. Don't know if it is a wives tale o not but rumor is a ref in another part of the state go sued because he told the girl to take the earring out, and it got infected. It is all semantics.

In fact, I have had kids ask if I am telling them to take it out, and I say no. All I am saying is you cannot play with it in.
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