Gotta disagree. I am not 100% sure but I dont think there is anything in the rule book that can justify you forcing the player to substitute. The player is not legally equipped. All we have to do is get them legal.
I've discovered jewelry after the game is started... Most players just have forgotten they had it on and we did not see it in pregame. MOst players when you tell them they say whoops... sorry, and they go take it off and we play. Takes a few seconds but I can tell you that the coaches dont get nearly as pissed as when a coach is told he or she needs to substitute. If I can buy a little with the coaches at that point, It will be a whole lot easier toi deal with them when I have a serious problem..
You also state that an official cant direct a player to remove jewelry. I suppose that perspective comes from a liability standpoint but I'd be hardpressed to find why it would be wrong for an official to tell a player "Go take the jewelry out if you want to play." If the player argues then she goes out and we tell the coach.
I'm sure that 99.9% of the officials out there dont tell a player "Youre not legally equipped, leave the floor until you become legally equipped within the rules" and not tell the kid why they are illegally equipped.
This is probably a difference in philosophy, but most guys around where I work would probably handle it the same way I do unless the delay gets too long..