Ok Garth, I'm curious to see how you'd play this out. Game management is something I need to get better at, particularly with coaches. So here's the sitch A...
You're in A, close play at first, you have him safe. You start to pivot into B as the ball is being returned to F1 when head rat yells from his cage "CALL IT BOTH WAYS".
What do you say back, it its the 2nd time he's said it to you?
Sitch B...
You're PU. Strike 3 called, 3rd out. As 3rd base coach (who is also HC) walks by to return to dugout, he says "you gotta give our pitcher that too." What is your reply? Note: He never stops walking and keeps on to the dugout.
Sitch C...
Same as B, but its an overly obnoxious assistant.
Others with experience other than Garth, please chime in with your responses.