Originally posted by djh3
However a fans perception of whether it is a fair game is based upon the rules. There also were some national sportwriters (who follow the NBA) who seemed to think game six was called poorly. I am not sure if your disdain for them is equal to your disdain for this moronic fan.
I'll concede that you seem to be someone who actually reads the rules, but most fans go by what they hear "expert" announcers say (we hold most sportscasters/writers in the highest moronic disdain!).
The biggest problem with commentators is probably the offensive/player control (NBA/NCAA-NF) foul. The biggest misconception (as perpetuated by Marv Albert et al.) is that the defender must have his feet glued to the floor for a charge to be correctly called. This, of course, trickles down so that I, in an intramural game, can show people the freakin' rulebook/casebook statement which says this does not have to occur and they don't believe me.
And you wonder why we laugh at most fans who come in here running their mouths . . .