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Old Wed Jan 23, 2008, 02:26pm
Emperor Ump Emperor Ump is offline
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Location: The Great State of North Carolina
Posts: 170
Originally Posted by Tim C
" . . . will aslo do this as the BU if I have a partner who doesn't have good game management skills."

Let me quote the Oregon Athletic Officials Association "2008 Two Umpire Mechanics Training Manual":

"As plate umpire your OWN the pitcher and catcher . . . you are the only umpire that manages that portion of the game."

And then we continue in another section:

"As Base Umpire keep AWAY from the mound . . . the plate umpire OWNS and MANAGES both the pitcher and catcher . . . all you should worry about with a pitcher is balks and illegal pitches."

If you EVER inserted yourself as you have stated above you would not only be "dinged" on your evaluation you would most likely be assigned to frosh games.

Tim, I find this interesting. I imagine your organization must have better training in game management than around here. Unfortunately, I've had the mis-fortune a number of times of working with partners behind the plate that allows the teams do as they like b/t half innings where it feels like 2-3 minutes if not more, this adds up to a game being much longer than necessary. Your org would let the BU(s) dye out there in this situation, that would make me more frustrated knowing I cant do anything about it.

I try to be sublte when doing this. When I feel its getting close to a min I jog back to A. I'll wait a bit, then if it they're still warming up and my partner has't done anything, I'll move up the line a bit and give he pitcher a little 'okay, lets get this game going.' It usually works well. Then usually b/t the next half innings I would try to get together with my partner and ask them to keep the game moving.

As for being asigned frosh (I assume JV) games. This is where I typically have this issue when they assign the younger guys with the geezers to help them break through.

BTW do you have a PDF of the training manual I would like to check it out?

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