Wed Jan 23, 2008, 08:35am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,842
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
First, it's not a violation. It's a technical foul.
Secondly, the reason that this is the penalty is that the NFHS deems this to be "unfair, unethical, [or] dishonorable conduct" and thus warranting an unsporting technical foul per rule 4-19-14. If that's not tantamount to cheating, I don't know what is.
I guess you agree with little deecee who thinks that he knows better than the experienced NFHS committee. If you want to call someone pompous, I suggest that you look in his direction. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to make the correct call in this situation.
Late night post, meant to say technical foul. We're dealing in semantics and your's are over the top.
Believe as you wish.
Last edited by fullor30; Wed Jan 23, 2008 at 12:44pm.