Originally Posted by truerookie
Except for the little nitpicky fact that 4-18 does NOT apply to this shove...it was not a fight by NFHS definitions, and no matter how much you want it to be it will never be a fight by NFHS definition. If you call that a fight and follow the proper procedure of ejecting the player and recording it as a fight in the book, I guarantee you that the school will appeal and the State will uphold the appeal and allow the player to participate in the next game...IOW, they will rule that your ejection for "fighting" was an incorrect application of the rules. If you call the push a flagrant act and eject the player for it, fantastic - there will be no basis for an appeal. But don't misapply the rules to fit your definitions - change your definitions to fit the rules.
I'm not of the mold to misapply the rules to fit my definitions. I was just having a discussion with Jurassic Referee to better understand spirit and intent of some rules. You can read rules all day and think you fully understand the spirit and intent until you encounter a different perspectives outside of your own perspective. It WAS just a discussion I enjoyed having with Jurassic Ref.