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Old Thu Jun 06, 2002, 11:49am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Originally posted by djh3
I have never said I understand the rules as well as those calling or playing the game.

However a fans perception of whether it is a fair game is based upon the rules. There also were some national sportwriters (who follow the NBA) who seemed to think game six was called poorly. I am not sure if your disdain for them is equal to your disdain for this moronic fan.

I do not doubt that if you say the rule is applied in a different manner than a literal reading would suggest, you as officials are likely right.

My point is that fans (remember the people who pay for the players to play and officals to officiate?), if they do not see the rules applied as written, can believe that things are unfair when maybe they are not.
OK, you've gone from asserting the refs were incompetent
and biased as a *statement of truth* to saying it's
just your perception, a perception based on ignorance &
misunderstanding. BTW, I would not be so certain using
media people as "experts testimony", they are often as
confused as the average fan.

Bottom line, I respect your right to have an opinion, and
it's good that you understand that your opinion is a
mostly uninformed one. And that holds whether you own
courtside NBA season tickets or never paid to see a game
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