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Old Thu Jun 06, 2002, 11:19am
djh3 djh3 is offline
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I have never said I understand the rules as well as those calling or playing the game.

However a fans perception of whether it is a fair game is based upon the rules. There also were some national sportwriters (who follow the NBA) who seemed to think game six was called poorly. I am not sure if your disdain for them is equal to your disdain for this moronic fan.

I do not doubt that if you say the rule is applied in a different manner than a literal reading would suggest, you as officials are likely right.

My point is that fans (remember the people who pay for the players to play and officals to officiate?), if they do not see the rules applied as written, can believe that things are unfair when maybe they are not.

In terms of using statistics, it is just one suggestion to try and evaluate if there is bias. Is it the only way? I don't know. Maybe it should be used not to prove bias, but to see if there is possible bias, or to identify that fans may believe there is bias. Similar to the way it is used to see if there is discrimnation in hiring. Right now there is nothing.

Right now the fans do believe that if you are the superstar, you get the call. You get an extra step. You dont get called your sixth foul unless you eliminate the guy.

But I won't bother you anymore. I am just a moronic fan (as this seems to be a favorite way to refer to fans, and why I think SOME officals on this board have a big ego, NOT because they disagree with me).

As I have been to sporting events from elementary school to professional sports, and I have seen the abuse directed at officials from fans, I do not doubt that it is easy to characterize all fans as morons.

My father was a police officer, and I remember him telling me how some people who become cops become very arrogant, because all they deal with are either victims or perps, and typically poor and uneducated people who are drunk or on drugs. I imagine it would be similar for officals. It must be a constant battle not to think of all fans as being the ones who are yelling abuse at you. But those are not all the fans.

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