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Old Mon Jan 21, 2008, 11:41am
ca_rumperee ca_rumperee is offline
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Everything changes if B1 then punches A1 right?

Dead ball push by A1 on B1. I rule it to warrant an Intentional Technical foul, but if B1 responds to the push by fighting, A1's "non-flagrant" push now becomes a Flagrant Technical foul because their action led to the fight.

Or, if after my 2nd whistle, B1 pushed back with a similar "don't push me" kind of push, but not an "it's on b!tch!" kind of push... then what do we have? I would think this is NOT a double technical, but rather two consecutive technicals.

Team B would shoot the one-and-one with lane cleared.
Team B would shoot the technical with lane cleared.
Team A would shoot the technical with lane cleared.
Team A has ball for throw-in at division line.

That is the way I read it, fortunately it has yet to happen to me.

Last edited by ca_rumperee; Mon Jan 21, 2008 at 11:45am.
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