Originally Posted by gordon30307
An ejection is in order. However, ejecting the Head Coach is an injustice because obviously she didn't do it. I would:
1. Ask the Head Coach who did it. If she didn't know. Check with the Table they might be able to point you in the right direction..
2.I would get the three Asst. Coaches together (if I'm 100% certain one of them is the culprit) and ask the guilty one to fess up.
3. If the offender doesn't step forward I would tell them I'm going to pick one and he will be the one ejected. Hopefully peer pressure will cause the guilty one to step forward.
4. If not I pick one at random and go from there.
I'm glad I wasn't there.
So in order to give "justice" to the head coach we're going to take a chance on doing an injustice to a possibly not guilty Assistiant coach ?