Originally Posted by Steven Tyler
I don't recall a request...........
I don't look into the stands. I know beforehand there are special players on some teams.....sometimes. I don't get any special thrill out of umpiring these players or their teams. Just give me a good game between two good teams. Last spring worked the, I believe 17th pick in the first round. Before the game we're alone in the bathroom together (form your own opinions). I said, "This don't look good" and he let out a big laugh. We both zip up. He says, "I remember what happened last year". I say, "That wasn't me, that was my partner". Says he, "I know, I should have known better. Since this is my last year, I going to try and not let all that stupid stuff that goes on bother me". I replied, "That's all you can do. Enjoy you last year, Ace."
If I hadn't of known him for so long, I probably wouldn't have remembered this. He'll say something dumb that will make the local papers from time to time. Such is life.
That's all well and good. However this thread is specifically designed to name players you've umpired. I find it fascinating to find out who has umped for whom. If you don't wish to participate, don't. But don't denegrade anyone else for playing along with the game. You can just say that you've never umpired any famous players, or just skip the thread entirely. If you don't think it is exciting playing a small role in the development of a future pro athlete, then that's fine. I happen to look back fondly on my experiences as an umpire, and being able to say, "I knew him when...." means a great deal to me. So, when I saw this thread, I thought it would be fun. Then everyone started harumphing the crap out of it, but I still managed a little participation.
Why you feel the need to single out one of my posts out of all the other possibilities available is beyond my scope of reasoning. I just think you love to bust my balls every chance you get. What, are you freakin' jealous of me or something? Please, get over yourself.
If you notice, I didn't list the entire 30-some-odd current and/or former MLB players that I have worked for. I just named a few of the pitchers, and a few position players. Trust me, there are many more that made it from this area, and I'm not too stupid to remember who they are when I've umpired for them.
I never had to look in the stands to know who the good players were either. I am a local resident and as such, I have local knowledge of who's who in San Diego baseball. I guess I'm just funny that way, but I'm a big fan of the sport.