Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Do not ever tell the fans anything. Get game administration to deal with yappy fans. Before the game, identify who game administration actually is, whether it be AD, principal or home head coach. You tell game administration what you want done. In this particular case, if the principal was game administration. I would have taken the principal aside and explained the facts of life to him. Those "facts of life" being that you won't take abuse from him either and his job is to calm the fans down, not crap on you. If he isn't game administration, then get whoever is game administration to tell the principal what you expect his actions to be.
I absolutely agree. After thinking about it, the one mistake I did make was not going to the principal to take care of the fans first. However, I did tell him that he's supposed to be helping us and that I will not take him talking to me like he did. His response continued to be "then get control of the game". All over a couple of (legitimate) PC fouls.