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Old Mon Jan 14, 2008, 01:34pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by inigo montoya
In the second case play, A1 desired to release the ball because he "jumps to try for goal." That's why I'm concerned about a judgment for "what did the offense 'want' to do."
Perhaps he changed his mind after jumping.
I had a play last week in which a player (A1) went airborne looking to throw a pass, however, none of his teammates were open and he clearly held onto the ball too long and was coming back down with it. An opponent (B1) who had also jumped to defend the play barely touched the ball. The touch by B1 had no effect on what A1 was doing with the ball, so I called a travel when A1 landed while still holding the ball. Just because an opponent happened to make contact with the ball doesn't absolve A1 of wrong-doing and automatically make the play a held ball.
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