Thread: Base Stealing
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Old Tue Jun 04, 2002, 10:46am
Jerry Jerry is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 286
The catcher can't call "time"; but you can. Get on with the game. Tell 'em it's for a television time out. At that age level, they do the same "cat and mouse" game on pickoff attempts. The 1st baseman hangs onto the ball for an hour and a half, waiting for the poor runner to try to get up from the ground. They haven't been taught how to "walk back" to the base.

Same situation here. If no one's doing anything to move the game along, (i.e. the runner's not running and the fielder's not throwing) you better take control of the "action" (or non-action). The coaches, parents and your partner will appreciate it in the long run.
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