As a young boy, I saw Boog Powell of the Orioles rattle one off the monuments. Looked like a pinball machine. Bobby Mercer labored mightily to retrieve the ball, while Boog made his ponderous course around the bases. Powell finally lumbered into third base, and stood hands on knees, gasping for breath. Would have surely been an inside-the-park home run for any other player in attendance. He, the third baseman (lost to memory), the third base coach and most in attendance all had a good laugh at his "speed."
"...a humble and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." - Ps li
"The prompt and correct judgements of the honorable umpire elicited applause from the members of both clubs, and their thanks are tendered to him for the gentlemanly manner in which he acquitted himself of that onerous duty." - Niagara Indexensis, May 20th 1872