So, as I said before, you just want it free (online).
As to rules essentially the same, the example you gave earlier of a quick pitch call would be the same in just about every fastpitch rule book.
As to AFA saying hands are part of the bat, BZZZZT, Wrong. Quit relying on the online (but wrong) AFA book from a year or two ago that you apparently downloaded and read the real one. Or, go to the AFA web site and download a corrected one.
NFHS is online (but not free). ASA is computer readable (but not free). Notice a trend here? NOT FREE.
Your position is you want it free on your computer. Too bad. You attempt to glorify this into some altruistic "good for softball" rationale, but even then, you are reduced to a "wouldn't hurt" argument.
And speaking of "wouldn't hurt" - that was not your initial position. You claimed you wanted to educate daddy. In fact, it seems to me you merely want it free on your computer.
As to the various organization's pricing policies, additional charges (as if that is some un-American thing for additional value), etc., check with them. I know ASA does not require you to register to get the CD. I know NFHS does require you to join the Officials Association to get online access. Beyond that, check for yourself. Check ebay, whatever floats your boat.