There are 2 schools on this.
1. The losing team has given up, the winners have declared victory, let's leep it under control but not prolong this any more than necessary (what you describe).
2. Every player on the floor deserves their time. The scrubs would like to show what they can do and maybe get some more time. The coaches want to see if there are any diamonds at the end of the bench to work with. Ref the game to the end, regardless.
As a first year guy with questions i would say you should use #2. Blow your whistle to the bitter end. At the very least you never know who's in the stands watching you, so do your best always. Also,, you never know when the losing team will suddenly come back and make a game out of it. Then what? You go back to how you called it before? Not very consistent.
As you develop you'll get a better feel for how to incorporate reffing the scoreboard into your game. That's not what you need to worry about right now IMO.