Originally Posted by Reffing Rev.
Quick question seeking quick answer...
A1 fouls B1 trying to gain position for a rebound just after A2's shot goes through the net. Team foul less than 6. The question is this...is the following B throw in a spot throw or an end line throw. NCAA. I'm pretty sure I missed this one last night.
If its a fouls you have to get then when did the foul (NOT YOUR WHISTLE) happen? Before or after the ball went through the net? Sounds like it had to be before the ball went through since it was a foul on rebound action.
If before then its a common foul if after and the ball is dead then its Technical (Which kind depends on whether its Men's or Women's.)
Either way since the ball we going back in play to the team not credited with the score then you would inbound the same. Endline throw in where they can run and also pass to a teamate who goes OOB on the endline.
NCAA Rule 7-5
Art. 6. After a goal as listed in Rule 7-4.1.c, when a common foul is
committed before the bonus is in effect or when the ball is kicked along the
end line during the throw-in, the team not credited with the score shall make
the throw-in per Rule 7-5.8.
Art. 7. After a successful goal, when an intentional personal foul or a
flagrant personal foul is committed near the end line, the team not credited
with the score shall be permitted to make the throw-in from any point
outside of the end line after taking its merited free throws.
Art. 8. After a goal as listed in Rule 7-4.1.c, the team not credited with the
score shall make the throw-in from the end of the court where the goal was
made and from any point outside the end line.
a. Any player of the throw-in team may make a direct throw-in or may
pass the ball along the end line to a teammate who is also out of
Art. 9. After a technical foul, a player of the offended team may attempt
the free throws and the ball shall be put back in play at the point of
Case Book
Out of bounds, Ball in Play from
A.R. 146. Team B has scored a field goal, and A1 has the ball along the end line
for a throw-in. Team A is not in the bonus. Before the throw-in by A1:
(1) B1 fouls A2 inbounds, near A1;
(2) B1 fouls A2 at the division line; or
(3) B1 fouls A2 beyond the division line.
RULING: (1) Team A, the team not credited with the score, may make a
throw-in from the end of the court where the goal was made and from any
point outside the end line.