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Old Thu Jan 10, 2008, 05:48am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
About 50 minutes (although I edited it instead of deleting it). Sorry that I wasn't here sooner.

Now knock it the **** off.
So you are saying that it is no longer acceptable to correct the grammar or spelling used in a post made by someone else?
Since when did that become a rule of this forum?

I have no history with the particular poster that I quoted that time, and there is no reason to think that a problem would occur, yet you edited out the grammar correction anyway.

I truly don't understand why.

If you are going to claim that the post didn't add materially to the discussion in the thread, that's fine, but then I suggest that you spend a few hours combing the posting history of Mark Padgett and wear out your delete button. I'm only asking that you treat my posts the same way that you treat those of everyone else. Right now you aren't doing that, instead you are singling out my posts for deletion while leaving those of others who post nonsense (Padgett) or spelling or grammar corrections (rainmaker) unedited. IMO that's unprofessional.
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