Thread: Rolled Ankle
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Old Thu Jan 10, 2008, 12:49am
TimTaylor TimTaylor is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
What's wrong with good, old fashioned, aspirin. Is there a medical reason why nobody in this thread suggests aspirin? I do know that aspirin can be harsh on one's stomach, but can't most people handle it? Aren't there side effects to taking other pain relievers, or anti-inflamatory, drugs, i.e. Tylenol, Advil, etc.
Aspirin works also, but has more of an anticoagulant effect than other NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, and in most people doesn't provide the same level or duration of analgesia. As Juulie pointed out, aspirin has pretty much the same potential adverse side effects as those of the other NSAIDs. Acetaminophen (tylenol) is not an anti-inflammatory drug, but an analgesic and antipyretic. It's easier on the kidneys but significantly more hepatotoxic than the NSAIDs. The bottom line is whatever you use, always take them with food, use as little as will do the job, and never, ever exceed the maximum recommended dosage. And if you're taking any prescription drugs or have any underlying health conditions, always talk to your doc or pharmacist before taking any over the counter meds, including herbal supplements.
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