Thread: Rolled Ankle
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Old Wed Jan 09, 2008, 12:54pm
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Originally Posted by rainmaker
Tanner, I know that men's and women's joints are somewhat different, so what I say may not apply to you. But both my daughter and I have had problems with rolled ankles. Once we had one injury, it just kept re-rolling. It was really, really hard to get it stabilized. I know that it's hard to take off the rest of hte season, but you should really think about cutting back, or taking a week or two off. Each time you re-roll it, you're doing more damage, and it can snowball in a hurry. Please be very careful.
Juulie makes a good point that this type of injury can feel okay before it actually is. I will disagree that you need to cut back right away because everyone is different, but taping or bracing and being a bit careful is a good idea. If you have further trouble you should definitely get it looked at.

I'm fortunate (from this perspective) to have loose joints - I've never had a severely sprained ankle because I can roll a long way without doing any damage. (I'm sure I'll have other problems down the line, but these genes are teh only ones I have!) My point is only that everyone is different and the only way to find out is to work your way back onto it.

Many people won't ever have other issues after a sprain.

If you get a chance, can you tell us what it looks/feels like today?
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