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Old Wed Jan 09, 2008, 09:34am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by njdevs00cup
Team A scores a basket. Team B calls an immediate timeout, prior to the ball being inbounded. Ref hands team B player the ball after the time out. Can he run the baseline or does he have to inbound the ball from where the ref hands him the ball?

Thank you!
A time-out does not alter the privilege of running the end line as evidenced by the following case book play.

7.5.7 SITUATION C: Team B has scored a field goal and A1 has the ball along the end line for a throw-in. Team A is not in the bonus. Prior to the ball being thrown inbounds by A1: (a) B1 fouls A2 inbounds near A1; (b) B1 fouls A2 at the division line; (c) B1 fouls A2 beyond the division line; or (d) A2 requests a time-out. RULING: In (a) and (d), Team A may throw-in from anywhere out of bounds along the end line following the foul reporting and the time-out. In (b) and (c), the ball will be given to Team A for a throw-in from the spot out of bounds nearest to where the foul occurred.
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