Thread: Rolled Ankle
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Old Wed Jan 09, 2008, 02:17am
tjones1 tjones1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Rolled Ankle

About half way through the 4th quarter in tonight's game I rolled my ankle really bad. I heard a very loud popping sound and thought "oh ship." Turns out the trainer was sitting right there and asked if I was ok. He took a quick look at it and asked if I could put pressure on it. I could and there wasn't much pain so I finished the game. After the game, I had just completed my shower and the trainer comes walking in. He wanted to make sure if I was alright and told me there was an ice pack waiting in the trainer's room for me to grab when I left. In addition, he told me to come in within a few days and he would show me a few exercises for my ankle.

Great job by this man who helped me and I certainly tip my cap to him.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a rough day, but I'll make it through. My next game isn't until Thursday so I've got to be careful so I'm ready to hit the floor Thursday evening.

Any suggestions on what to do from those who have rolled their ankle before?
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