Originally Posted by pghboy
true rookie, thanks for the info-any more detail on the three points you mentioned
Do you have an official's manual for 3-person? This will lay out the coverage areas specifically...just a few items off the top of my head...have a patient whistle, give your partner first shot at the action in their primary....this is especially true as the L, don't be quick to reach through the lane to C's area to pull fouls out of there, give C the first shot...same on rebounding action, most of those fouls will come from C or L....get as wide as you can from the L to get the big picture...don't worry a ton about rotations, but L will intiate them, just get across and rotate when you believe you need to be on the other side to officiate the action there. Most rotations start to come naturally, if you are on one side and the ball and 8 players are on the other, then get over there. Don't be lazy as the C and don't bail out, close down a step from the C when the shot goes up... Worry about calling your game, the rest will come - see if you can get out and watch a few 3-person games before your game, this will help you....