Originally posted by JRutledge
Just because Mr. Padgett does not understand the rules differences does not mean that they are bad rules.
Who says I don't understand FEEBLE rules? I took a course in advanced Metric at Charles DeGaulle University. I squeezed it in between my courses on cheese.
My point is not that they are bad rules because I don't understand them, my point isn't even that they are necessarily bad rules. My point (as Ellen Degeneres says
- and I do have one) is that some arrogant Euro group claims to be the "World's Governing Authority" on basketball and basketball rules when the reality is that basketball is an American game invented by a Canadian and has been played in North America far longer (and, of course, far better) than anywhere else on the globe. If there is going to be a body of dudes who have the right to claim they are the "World's Governing Authority" for this game internationally, they should be located here and derive their authority from the fact that no one knows our game better than us.
Let the Euros stick to something they know, like boring soccer and cheese.