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Old Fri May 31, 2002, 05:10pm
stripes stripes is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. George, UT
Posts: 777
Re: No Stripes........

Originally posted by JRutledge
this is about zebraman and his mischaracterization. He basically lied about what I said. I have the right to set the record straight with his comment.

Last time I checked am an independent contractor, and if I want to hate anything, I think I have that right. I do not think anyone has the right to tell me what to officiate and not to officiate. But this is a board of the "all holy" at times. We all do this for the kids, yeah right. Then do not accept money when you are volunteering next time.

You have the right to set anything straight as you see fit. However, if someone takes a poke at you, you have to be ready for it and take it like a man. Officiate whatever, wherever you like. Hate whatever you want. I don't care what or how you do it and I believe that no one else here does either. Rememeber that it is ok for you to disagree with them and for them to disagree with you. BTW, you are right about the "holiness" of this board at times, but used properly, it can be a good tool.

Take some of your own advice, no one here (or almost no one ) knows you personally. Let them believe whatever they want and go on with life. You'll sleep better.
Get it right!

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