It's so simple...Why do people continue to have difficulty with this issue
You cannot have BASKET INTERFERENCE by hitting the backboard. Therefore, it is either a Technical foul for slapping the backboard INTENTIONALLY or you rule the defender was making a legitimate attempt to block the shot--whether he hit the backboard is irrelevant if you rule his attempt was legitimate. The only way you rule a Technical is if you deem the player was trying to hit the backobard INTENTIONALLy --was trying to vent frustration or show off.
So it appears you were correct in your original thinking--if you thought the blocker slapped the backboard intentionally. However, if the defender just missed the ball but still hit the board in a legitimate attempt to blaock the shot--then yyou both were wrong. If defenders attempt was legit--just ignore the hitting of the board and play on.