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Old Mon Jan 07, 2008, 01:17am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by MJT
If the ball is snapped on 4th down from the one inch line and there is an incomplete pass, the ball will be placed so the back end of the ball is just outside the GL. That would be different than in other 4th down incomplete forward pass plays in which the ball is placed in the same location and the forward point of the ball now becomes the rear point of the ball.
I wonder if I had anything to do with the adoption of this. In 1980 I sat down with Brice Durbin at Fed HQ in Kansas City and pointed out what could happen in the 4th down incomplete pass scenario. He said that's why they instructed their officials to always put the ball as described above, regardless of the down. The rule book was silent on the matter.

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