Originally Posted by blindzebra
Boys play vertically.
Girls play horizontally.
Call all games the same way, it's all advantage/disadvantage, once you get that clear it's not that hard.
Over thinking the difference is what causes trouble.
There are exceptions, but for the most part I agree. My mix so far this season is roughly 60/40 boys/girls, and I have no problem at all going back & forth - even on the same night.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
And with that being said, what is considered an advantage and one and a disadvantage in the other is not always the same thing. ......
True Jeff, but not just between boys & girls. You'll find the same differences depending on the level, quality & skills of the teams even if you do just boys games. Yeah I've had some girls games that were mind numbing, but I've also had boys games that were just as bad.....