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Old Fri Jan 04, 2008, 02:55pm
bessman bessman is offline
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Posts: 1
Mike Reilly Major League Umpire Clinic, 1-27-08

The Mike Reilly Major League Umpire Clinic will be held Sunday January 27, 2008 at the Battle Creek Central Fieldhouse Registration begins at 8 am with the clinic starting at 9 am,

The clinic features Mike Reilly,2007 World Series Umpire, and FIVE other major league umpires. Besides Mike, the clinic also features Jeff Kellogg, Tim Welke, Bill Welke, Rick Reed, and Scott Barry. Mark Uyl, 2007 Pan-American Games umpire and MHSAA Associate Director will conduct a rules meeting for Michigan umpires.

The clinic is being sponsored by Cliff Keen Athletic. They will be present with many great discounts on equipment and uniforms for attendees. The clinic will feature instruction by the major league umpires in two cages, infield work, classroom, special situations station and pick-off station. Free Ameneties include continental breakfast, Lunch, afterglow party with food and beverages. Last year the Major League umpires donated enough raffle items so that everyone who purchased a raffle ticket won a prize. The prizes were items such as Chest protectors, shin gaurds, hats, jerseys, autographed balls, etc.

To register contact Terry Newton, Athletic Director, St. Philip Catholic Central High School, 20 Cherry Street, Battle Creek, Mi. 49017
Phone 269-963-1426
Cost is $60.00 Make checks payable to; CAA
All proceeds go to St. Philip Baseball
All Instructors donate their time and efforts.

Further info contact: Terry newton or Mike Bess at [email protected] 269-317-4958
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