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Old Fri Jan 04, 2008, 02:16pm
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Oklahoma
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I only want to add onto the post to say how interesting it is that there seems to be so many places where this choice is available. I'm now officiating in the second state I've lived, and both states have the same setup for regular season varsity games - officials do either a V or JV G/B doubleheader. In Kansas, many times I'd have three games - JV B or G, followed by the V G/B doubleheader.

So, almost every time I go out it's to do two games (every once in a while there will only be one), and almost every time it's a girls game then a boys game. Guess it keeps me on my toes!!
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