Originally Posted by JoeTheRef
I totally agree CR. I love high school ball as well. I go early just to watch the JV games and offer input to that games officials if they are open to it. This was done for me when I was coming up.
Politically it can be a goldmine if you truly are doing it to better yourself and the love of the game and avocation. I've seen where it had a negative affect on a couple officials in our association who would come to the game just to be seen and leave after the halftime break/conference. Those officials often never improve but they want a better schedule so they come around the "in" veteran officials or association board members.
NAh I'm not one of them. I go to hang,learn stuff and talk crap with other officials. I like my schedule right now, definetly don't try to force a schedule. Heck I even started a thread here a couple of weeks ago about not moving up yet.
I even spent a night up in Nevadarefs part of the world watching their 1A regional playoffs. No payoff there other than hanging with some of our Native American friends.