Thread: legal or not?
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Old Wed Jan 02, 2008, 07:23pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Coltdoggs
Additionally, if said "roll" happened while still sliding, we don't have a violation either, correct?
Maybe. If the roll is due to the sliding/momentum, no violation. But if the player intentionally rolls over in a way that is NOT part of the slide, it is a violation.

Imagine A1 diving for the ball on a really slick floor. A1, having grabbed the ball, is sliding forward and perfectly headfirst on their belly. Realizing this would put them in a poor position to pass as they approched an OOB line, A1 rolls to their back just before the sliding stops....traveling.

Sure it would be exteremely unlikely to occur that way but it is important to know that diving for the loose ball doesn't make everything OK until they stop sliding. If the roll is caused by momentum as part of the dive, the roll is OK (95%+ of the time). If the roll is initiated by the player independant of the dive/slide, it is not OK.
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