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Old Thu May 30, 2002, 03:40pm
oppool oppool is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 549

We probably have gone over this before but I need a liitle more clarification for a discussion between myself and some other Blues

1. B/R during live ball touches white side only on a play at first and runs through the bag beating the throw. Dispute is if any infielder can gave a verbal only appeal on this call or is it like any live ball appeal and the runner would have to be tagged before they got back to 1st or the fielder would have to have possion of the ball while touching the base followed by a verbal appeal??

2. Same situation but PU calls "TIME" before the B/R has return to the bag and a verbal appeal is given. Do you not have to allow the runner to return to the base in a DEAD ball situation before hearing the appeal?? If so then this would always have to be a live ball appeal for the defense to be able to get an out. Right or Wrong?



[Edited by oppool on May 30th, 2002 at 03:42 PM]
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